Tuesday, November 16, 2010
美國海豹部隊(United States Navy Sea, Air and Land,SEAL)
要成為一個海豹部隊成員並不容易,甄選者必須得先通過基本水中爆破訓練(Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL school, BUD/S)以及專業的海豹資格訓練(SEAL Qualification Training, SQT),最後才能佩帶與顯示海豹部隊的佩章,也就是海豹三叉(佩章圖示),這枚佩章已經不僅僅是代表整個海豹部隊,間接也成為廣為容易辨識美國特戰部隊的佩章之一.
红翼行动由海豹上尉Michael Murphy(在海军中lieutanent是上尉,而不是中尉)所领导的一次四人侦察任务,先前有人提到的攻击任务,但书中解释当时四人小组的任务只是先期侦察和监视,并非直接进攻,这点在后来塔里班方面公布的此次战斗塔里班方面清扫战场时缴获的美军的装备也可以得到证实,这四名海豹当时携带的是轻便的塑料伞盔而非防弹MICH头盔(这个视频在资料区也能找到).根据事先预定的行动计划四人小队任务是潜伏在阿富汗和巴基斯坦边境Kunar省Asadabad村庄西测外围的山区搜索塔里班武装一名高级指挥官的行踪,在确认发现该塔里班目标的动向再后由驻扎在Bagram空军基地的主力攻击部队进行攻击.
行动开始时先由直升机利用夜幕的掩护将四名队员送至目标区域外围,再由队员自己进入潜伏地点,不幸的是在进入观察位置后不久观察小队的位置即被三个当地的牧羊人发现,海豹们遇到了绿贝在第一次海湾战争中遇到的相同的难题,是否要杀死这三个牧羊人,鉴于当时的形式海豹们很难做出决定,最后不得不采取了投票的方式来决定三人的生死,四人中Axelson主张为了安全起见杀死三人 Murphy和 Luttrell主张放三人走(事后Luttrell称之为他人生中犯的最大的错误),Dietz弃权.三个牧羊人获释后和海湾战争中被绿贝放走得伊拉克人一样马上背叛了他们对海豹的承诺,将海豹的位置告诉的当地的塔里班武装,塔里班武装立刻组织了150~200人的部队对海豹潜伏的区域发起进攻,除Luttrell其他三人先后阵亡,其中最壮烈的就属队长Michael Murphy,由于当时海豹们位于阿富汗山区地带遭遇围攻后求救信号无法通过海豹携带的无线电台发出,Murphy毅然爬出自己躲藏的掩体爬到山顶开阔处通过卫星电话向基地求救,期间多处中弹,最后倒在爬回掩体的路上.鉴于他的英勇行为去年十月年Michael Murphy被授予国会荣誉奖章,而越战之后另一位获得这个奖章的海豹Michael Monsoor就是那位为了救队友舍身扑向手雷的海豹三队队员.在三位战友牺牲后也身负重伤,在躲过塔里班的武装的追捕后被当地亲美一方的村民收留,最终获救.
Operation Redwing
was a failed counter-insurgent mission in Kunar province, Afghanistan, involving four members of the United States Navy SEALs, which took place on June 28, 2005.
Three of the SEALs were killed during the initial operation, as were other American Special Operations soldiers (SEALs and Night Stalker pilots) whose helicopter was shot down while flying to provide support and rescue to the team.
Marcus Luttrell, the only surviving American SEAL, was protected by local villagers who sent an emissary to the closest military base allowing a rescue team to locate the wounded SEAL.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Royal Navy-Special Boat Service (SBS)_特别舟艇中队
The Royal Navy-Special Boat Service (SBS)_特别舟艇中队_英国海军陆战队的特别侦察分队
说到英国的特种部队,人们往往只想到英国皇家空军的特别空勤队(sas,special air serice)。然而,在英国还有一支鲜为人知的特种部队,这就是特别舟艇中队(sbs,special boat service)。它是英国海军陆战队的特别侦察分队,司令部设在英国南部的海湾城镇普尔,标志是其队员的军服别着1枚奇特的徽章,徽章图案是一只青蛙和两支船桨。在内行人眼里,它甚至是一支比特别空勤队名气更响的特种部队。
之后⒐诨始液>秸蕉幽诮⒘怂降奶乇鹬弁Х侄?special boat section)。在战争中,这支特种部队几乎参加了所有战区的海上战斗行动,从欧洲爱琴海希腊岛屿的争夺战,到在亚洲的爪哇、缅甸对日军战斗等。大战结束后,英国海军陆战队中仍然保留着这支小型的特种部队。1950年朝鲜战争爆发后,这支部队被更名为第41独立突击队。但在整个朝鲜战争中,它始终呆在英国本土内,根本没有赴朝鲜参加实战。朝鲜战争结束后,英国在第41独立突击队基础上正式成立了特别舟艇中队。
The Special Boat Service (SBS) is the special forces unit of the British Royal Navy. Together with the Special Air Service, Special Reconnaissance Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group they form the United Kingdom Special Forces and come under joint control of the same Director Special Forces. The SBS can trace their origins to the Second World War when they were formed as the Special Boat Section in 1940. They became the Special Boat Squadron after the Second World War and the Special Boat Service in the 1980s.
The SBS is manned by ranks drawn mostly from the Royal Marines and carries out a role similar to the Special Air Service, but with a traditionally stronger focus on amphibious operations. Two of the SBS's four squadrons, C and X, are configured for general operations. S squadron specialises in the use of minisubs and small boats and M squadron specialises in Maritime Counter Terrorism. The SBS also operates on dry land, with recent operations in the mountains of landlocked Afghanistan and in the deserts of Iraq. Their main tasks include intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism operations (surveillance or offensive action), sabotage and the disruption of enemy infrastructure, capture of specific individuals, close protection of senior politicians and military personnel, plus reconnaissance and combat action on enemy territory.
My 1/6 Scale Custom Action Figure_SpaceCalvin_2010
1/6 Scale Custom_The 75th Ranger Regiment_第75游騎兵團
My 1/6 Scale Custom_The 75th Ranger Regiment_Enjoy Picture!!!
The 75thThe 75th Ranger Regiment is capable of executing any special operations or light infantry mission requiring a mature, competent, highly disciplined, and lethal force to ensure the precise application of combat power in politically sensitive environments. To achieve this, the Regiment must be extremely proficient in complex operations during both day and night, in all weather conditions and across all terrain. The Ranger Regiment is the world's premier light infantry fighting force, specializing in raids and assault missions deep inside enemy held territory. An expert in short-notice combat deployments, the Ranger Regiment is a rapidly deployable strike force and is the largest special operations combat element in the US Army. The Regiment uses specialized equipment, operational techniques, and multiple modes of infiltration to capture or destroy hostile forces.
The 75th Ranger Regiment is composed of a Regimental Headquarters, 3 ranger infantry battalions and a special troops battalion. The 3rd Battalion and the Special Troops Battalion are located with the Regimental Headquarters at Fort Benning Georgia, while the other 2 battalions of the Regiment are geographically dispersed. The 75th Ranger Regiment is a flexible, highly trained and rapidly deployable light infantry force with specialized skills that enable it to be employed against a variety of conventional and Special Operations targets.
第75游騎兵團(75th Ranger Regiment),常被簡稱為遊騎兵(Rangers),美國陸軍的正式編制單位,是現代的美國陸軍遊騎兵部隊(United States Army Rangers),由美國陸軍特種作戰司令部(USASOC)統籌,有三個營,總部位於喬治亞州本寧堡(Fort Benning,GA)。遊騎兵屬於輕裝步兵,和騎兵並無任何關聯。它可以運用各式交通工具迅速進入戰區執行任務,因此往往在其它特種部隊抵達之前,遊騎兵就已經完成了任務。游骑兵是精英部队,同时也是特种作战支援部队。
About Me
- SpaceCalvin
- Singapore, Ang Mo Kio, Malaysia
- SpaceCalvin 1/6 world comes up more creative space like plastic、fabric、leather、metal and even more material will be discover in the future. Anyhow, I have big fun with this hobby and sharing with everyone. Welcome to contact us if you have any questions Pls E-Mail: calvin_lee_76@yahoo.com.sg